Tuesday 14 January 2014

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Never knew that views could ever create so much of problems in one’s life. Adverse effect of it could be that it can cause a disease called Varicose. Varicose veins occur when blood flow to the legs is interrupted and collects in the veins close to the skin. The veins appear blue, twisted and bulging. Heaviness, and swelling around the ankles are also symptoms. Though it is not treated as a life threaten disease but still it can trouble for life long as it’s a very painful and ugly process which can give inferiority complex to the any human being. Wearing compression stockings can help relieve the pain for some people. Doctors advise wearing them even after the treatments in most cases. Treatment of varicose veins normally involves either shrinking the veins and drying them off so that blood can’t flow into the vein, or, tying the affected vein and completely removing them surgically. Laser treatment is always an option for many people who would like to get rid of these unwanted veins. Simple laser treatment is done for small spider veins and tiny varicose veins. Simple laser treatments have went well down for many patients for over more than two decades. Whereas the endovenous (sometimes also know as a second treatment step) after a larger varicose vein has been treated with surgery, endovenous laser or radio frequency treatment, or sclerotherapy. Endovenous laser treatment is used to close off a larger varicose vein, instead of using surgery to remove it. The success rate for the same is 90%. There can be various side efforts of using laser treatments. Many people say that laser treatment can cause skin cancer, but this is not true in all cases. Compared to vein stripping and ligation surgery, endovenous laser and radio frequency treatments usually cause less pain and have a shorter recovery time. This is because these treatments are done through a small incision. 


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