Thursday 14 November 2013

Some myths about Laser Hair Removal

We are living in an era of technological innovations. Laser for hair removal is one such technique that is becoming popular with every passing day. It is a treatment to get rid of unwanted hair permanently and avoid hassles of regular shaving, waxing, and plucking. The number of people seeking this treatment is increasing rapidly in the last few years. With so many people choosing this technique for permanent removal of unwanted hair, it is time to look at some of the facts and myths associated with laser hair removal:
Does not work well with dark skins: Although hair laser removal works best on fair-skinned people but it does not necessarily mean it is not suitable for people with dark skin. Professionals apply different types of laser according to the skin tone for getting best results. With technological advancements, it has now become possible to remove hair from even the darkest of skin complexions. Before going for laser hair removal treatment, make sure most advanced technology and equipments are being used by the professionals.

 Painful Treatment: Pain is the most common reason that deters people from getting this treatment done. Truth is that the amount of pain varies from person to person. There are people who find it less painful then waxing or electrolysis. Compared to waxing or plucking for hair removal, laser hair removal is least painful as it just causes slight tingling or stinging sensation. Benefit is that hair removal is permanent.

 Expensive Process: One of the most common myth that people have in their mind is that laser hair removal involves very high costs to be incurred. Instead, the recurring cost involved in other hair removal methods would work out to be much higher than the one time cost on laser hair removal.

  No need to go to a Medical Clinic: Now a days, laser hair removal treatment is mostly performed at beauty parlors and spas or to say that most people prefer to have it done from such places. However, it is recommended to opt for professional medical centers for getting this treatment in an accurate and safe manner and avoid likely complications.
Dangerous procedure: It is a very wrong notion that laser hair removal is a dangerous procedure. It is extremely safe and only damages the hair follicles. It does not affect the internal organs or body functions.

 Enhanced hair growth : Many people hold the misconception that after getting this treatment the hair growth will increase. But the truth is that it actually prevents the growth of new hair.

Laser hair removal clinic has proven to be a fast, pain free and cost effective technique among the different methods of hair removal. After taking this treatment, you would realize that the benefits of this procedure outweighs the risks involved in it. So stop worrying and go for it.